St. André Bessette presently provides Sunday Faith Formation classes beginning with the Primary level and continuing until Grade 9, the year for reception of the sacrament of Confirmation. Classes from P--Gr. 8 take place on Sunday mornings in designated classrooms. The classes at St. André Bessette are led by dedicated volunteer catechists who are committed to further formation in their own faith and growth in the spiritual life.
Registration for this program typically begins in the spring with pre-registration and continues throughout the month of October. Classes begin the first week of October and continue until the end of April. There is a break during the Christmas Holidays and the week of March break. Mass attendance is considered an integral part of this program.
We will be using FAMILY FORMATION Program for students in Grades Primary through 6. “Family Formation is a proven program that will instill in entire families not only a knowledge of our Faith, but a great love for Jesus Christ and His Church, the family of God.” As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: ‘to help parents respond to the Church's call to be "the first and foremost educators of their children"* and to help families grow in the transforming love of God by understanding and living the Catholic Faith.”
A more detailed overview per class level is listed below:
Grade P – 6:
The Creed, Grace, Sacraments NOTE: The main topics studied every year in this series are based on The Creed: God, creation, Christ, Church, grace, sacraments, commandments.
Grade 7 & 8:
Church, Grace, Sacraments (Chosen Program Year 1)
Grade 9:
Faith, Bible, Sacraments, The Holy Spirit, Mary: Our Lady (Decision Point Program)
NOTE: Every year, each class will attend the sacrament of Penance(Confession) during class time with individual confessions.(Dates: TBD) **Once a month the catechists attend their own formation classes.
Both of these sacraments are ordinarily celebrated by grade 2 students, however, there is a special sacramental preparation class for older students who have missed the earlier preparation. Grades 1 and 2 are considered the years for preparation of these sacraments and grade 1 is required to enter grade 2 of our program. The preparation for First Penance takes place in the fall with preparation for First Communion in the spring. Parents are involved in their children’s preparation with additional home programs for both first Penance and First Eucharist.
This sacrament is celebrated by those students in level 9 of the catechetical program and requires grade 8 and grade 9 as preparation. In grade 8 the students get an in-depth view of the sacraments and in grade 9 they study the grace of the Holy Spirit/Sacraments/history of the church. This year also emphasizes the students’ involvement in the parish community and link with the larger community. They participate in the Mass ministries and complete their own service project. There is a diocesan confirmation retreat and details will follow.