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St. André Bessette Parish
Holy Cross Church (Middle Musquodoboit)
St. Bernard Church (Enfield)
St. Rose of Lima Church (Fall River)
Welcoming Communities of Faith and Worship
St. Brother André, we celebrate your presence among us. Your loving friendship with Jesus, Mary and Joseph makes you a powerful intercessor with the Holy Father.
Compassion carries your words straight to God's heart, and your prayers are answered and bring comfort and healing.
Through you, from our lips to God's ear, our supplications are heard...
We ask to be made a part of God's work, alongside you, in the spirit of prayer, compassion and humility.
St. Brother André, pray for us.

Parish Offerings
To register with our parish Pre-Authorized Debit program, please contact Lynette at the parish office. You can also e-transfer contributions using These are alternatives to the traditional collection envelopes, which of course are still available.

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